We love offering our customers the opportunity to explore fragrance at home with complimentary samples which are included with full price orders over $150.
Generally you will receive three samples with your order providing the normal conditions are met. They are excluded from certain orders, please read below.
Where specific samples or sets are ordered, please expect a longer than usual time frame for your order to be processed and shipped. This is due to the time taken to prepare and hand decant fragrances into sample vials, and to the high demand of these items.
Complimentary Samples are not included when an order includes, contains, or is during; discounts, discounted products, sale periods, Black Friday Sales, the use of discount codes, sample sets, gift cards, orders under $150, or perfumes 30ml or under.
It is at our discretion should we choose to include extra or bonus samples.
We reserve the right to exclude samples at any time, whether due to unavailability or any other reason.
Samples are a complimentary item we choose to include in some orders under specific terms. They cannot be replaced, requested or otherwise.
If samples are not included?
We are happy to hear from you in a friendly manner as this is complimentary after all. If we have missed something most likely we are happy to forward to you if your order is valid for samples. Our team and warehouse staff note and track samples, sample packs and orders allowing us to follow up easily. If you feel you have missed something please email us -